John, what leads you to believe that the statement you quoted is the result of a settlement with one of the victims of Jagdeo's child molestation?
But clearly, if Rawat was really concerned about anything more than trying to cover this over, he would not rely on some bureaucratic, legalslpeak, on the cult's website, and he wouldn't have stood for the gagging of one of Jagdeo's victims as a condition of settlement, if that is what happened.
No, he, personally, would make a public statement that pedophila in his cult is not tolerated, that he is aware of what Jagdeo did, and that he wants victims to come forward and to try to address the damage. Obviously, Mr. "peace and love" has not bothered to do that. But then, I have yet to see Mr. Rawat take personal responsibility for anything bad that ever happened in his cult. He only takes responsibility for any nice experience his "students" have. That is no problem for him.
The other thing Prem Rawat would do, if he was serious about addressing this, is what Michael Dettmers said he should do, and that is to summon Jagdeo, condemn his actions, and demand that Jagdeo reveal his victims so Elan Vital could contact them and try to make restitution, or at least make sure they have gotten proper counseling, etc.
Then, he should tell Jagdeo to personally apologize, publicly. Jagdeo had dedicated his life toMr. Rawat, and presumably would still do whatever Rawat told him to do. Oh, yeah, Rawat could also suggest to Jagdeo that he submit to the jurisdiction of the court in which the EV "complaint" was supposedly filed (if indeed it ever was), and take responsibility for what he did legally as well.
But when there are problems like this, all I have ever seen from Mr. Rawat is silence.