Did Rawat deal with Jagdeo's pedophilia? Apparently not very well.
Re: The Captain's Albatross. -- AJW Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

03/17/2005, 07:56:44
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Well, since Susan confirms that at least she confirmed in 1977 that Rawat knew about Jagdeo's child abuse (by Randy Prouty and Judy Osborne who told Susan that Rawat knew about it), it appears that Jagdeo was not sent to the Far East right away, because at least through 1980, Jagdeo was often in the USA, touring, giving satsang, in the communities, with access to children, and I know that as a community coordinator until sometime in 1981, I was never told about Jagdeo, warned in any way, or even given a clue that he should not be left alone with children.  And Jagdeo was quite often in my community.

So, it appears that at first, not much of anything was done.  But Elan Vital just sending Jagdeo to the Far East was a pretty callous "solution."  Apparently children in that part of the world aren't as much of a concern.

Honestly, reading Durga Ji say what she said makes the whole, sordid, Jagdeo pedophila, and Rawat's apparently failure to address it, all the more disgusting.  The whole talk about the precsiousness of children.  Blimey.  And the whole crap about how "knowledge" is the solution to child abuse.  Apparenly not for Jagdeo it wasn't, or for all the little girls who were molested by him, who had knowledge as well.

By the way, is anyone else still waiting for Elan Vital to report whatever happened with that bogus "lawsuit" against Jagdeo in India?  Was Jagdeo ever served with the complaint?  Is Jagdeo still being "served" by young servants in that ashram in India?  Has Elan Vital extended any money or resources to find this old man, who I am sure can't run very fast?

And finally, has Elan Vital ever come forward and ask if the other victims of Jagdeo's pedophila to come forward, get their statements and offer restitution?  Have they ever offered to do that for Susan?

I don't think so.


Modified by Joe at Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 09:30:10

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