Dr. Reender Kranenborg about Guru Maharaj Ji
Posted by:
Andries ®

12/29/2004, 18:28:54
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From "Een nieuw licht op de kerk? -- Bijdragen van nieuwe religieuze bewegingen voor de kerk van vandaag/A new perspective on the church -- Contributions by NRMs for today's church"
ISBN 90-239-0809-0 Published by Boekencentrum, the Hague, 1984. This is not a book published as part of Kranenborg's work on NRMs at the Vrij Universiteit in Amsterdam but he wrote this book from his personal, Christian perpective. As usual he is generally fair and accurate.

Chapter "III Why did they become members?"
section "3 Main moments: the guru and the experience"
"The guru has near absolute power. In many cases total surrender is demanded. The disciple does not know anything, the master knows everything. This surrender is an assignment because the disciple needs to distinguish when he needs to obey his master and when not. A good example of a guru with near absolute power is Guru Maharaj Jiof the Divine Light Mission."

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