You're losing site of the ball, I'm afraid, Jonx
Re: Re: You didn't answer the question, Jonx -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/10/2005, 20:15:41
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First, to suggest that Geaves, a life-long devotee, doesn't have any "emotional affiliation" is too funny for words!  Thanks for the laugh. 

Sorry. I wasn't following the play by play close enough. I didn' realize Ron Greaves was a premie. In that case I'd say his comments are as relevant as mine.

I think you forgot, Jonx, my good friend, that we were talking about academics.  Geaves is one and he's written articles for academic journals about Rawat without mentioning the fact that he's a lifelong follower.  (By the way, what's your opinion of that?  Do you see any possible conflict of interest in so doing?) 

Jonx, let's be reasonable. Premies fall over themselves backwards trying to find new ways to praise the hell out of Rawat.

What do you say about a person who exposed the secret of one's existence? Sorry... I guess I'm asking the wrong person.

To be honest, Jonx, I don't at all accept that Rawat did anything of the sort. 

But when, like you, they claim that they see his faults too, and they're asked to say what they are -- silence!

He loves too much. He works too hard. He's too much of a perfectionist. He wears too much hair grease. There!  I don't feel any different.

Aha!  So those are the "faults" you see in the man?  I knew it.  Premies are incapable of criticizing Rawat.  He's their cult leader and it's like there's an invisible glass wall there or something.  Maybe just a sturdy leash.  Your mind can't do it.  Jonx, those aren't criticisms and you know it.  Remember, you started off saying that Rawat was just a friend.  Can you think of any other friendship where one friend considers the other beyond any criticism?  Is that healthy?  Too bad you avoided answering my next question.  But hardly surprising in the circumstances ... 

...what do you think a cult looks like, Jonx?

Say, are you afraid of cults Jim? How about latent homosexuality? Ear-wigs in your pillow?

I wouldn't say I was afraid of cults although I'm sure glad I escaped the one I was in before.  I would say that you didn't answer my question for some reason.  Care to try again? 

Are you in control or are you someone who can be manipulated? Did you once allow someone else to take responsibility for your life? If you are so sure of yourself, why all the fuss about a little cult? Seriously... you are afraid, but of what?

Don't assume I'm afraid of anything.  Like I said, that's wrong.  As for your question, am I in control?  Control of what, may I ask?  Can I be manipulated?  You bet, pal, we all can! 

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