So Rawat's like Einstein and I'm homophobic? LOL!!!!
Re: Re: You're losing site of the ball, I'm afraid, Jonx -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/11/2005, 15:01:27
Author Profile

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I really don't have a clue what you're talking about now.  But here's my guess:

1) An academic has no professional duty to disclose his personal relationships with the subjects he writes about.

1)  Einstein had some sort of mystical vision that defied normal scientific understanding.  Some believed in what he discovered but even they didn't understand what it meant.  Rawat's like Einstein.

2)  I'm homophobic or something.

3)  Something about control

Sorry, Jonx, but you're not making an ounce of sense here.  Why not quit with the one-liners and irrelevant rhetorical questions instead of answers and explain yourself properly?

By the way, are you going to respond to my post above too?

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