Re: Dr. Reender Kranenborg about Guru Maharaj Ji
Re: Dr. Reender Kranenborg about Guru Maharaj Ji -- Andries Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

12/30/2004, 03:09:08
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Good quote Andries:

A good example of a guru with near absolute power is Guru Maharaj Ji

The only quibble I have is that is was not 'near' absolute power, but absolutely absolute power. Of course, in reality he had very little power of his own, all his power was what we gave him.

And we gave him absolute power - I would have been shocked to hear of Maharaji as having 'near' absolute power, it would have been an insult, both to him as the living Lord, and to myself as a devotee, trying to be absolutely surrendered to the absolute Lord.

Following on from our thread quite a way down now, about the value of academic opinions of Maharaji: I don't mind these academic quotes appearing, so long as it is clear that they are not evidence for or against.

It so happens that this quote, and Schnabel's below, happen to hit the mark; but they are not evidence of how things were (and are), any more than other academics denying it all happened are evidence. As Cynthia said below, the only evidence is eye-witness accounts.

Take care

-- Mike

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