You missed the whole point, Jonx -- surprising, really
Re: Re: Boy, Jonx, you really ran out of steam there, didn't you? -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/08/2005, 20:22:16
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Duh... no shit! Wasn't anywhere near the point I was making bud. Point was the double standard you project. When it suits you, "experts" are in, when it doesn't, they're out and you are the "expert". When it suits you, a theory will do just fine to argue your point. When it doesn't, it's gotta be just the facts ma'am.

I'm amazed, Jonx. My whole point was that some subjects lend themselves more to expertise than others.  Science, including biology and matters evolutionary, is one such subject and that's why scientists like Dawkins have something to teach us.  The nature and significance of the Maharaji cult, on the other hand, is something else entirely.  Really, tell me one thing, beside the historical roots of the belief system, that some so-called scholar like Ron Geaves can teach us?  What he has written about the cult is just dressed-up waffle as far as I can tell.  But if you think otherwise, go ahead, show me something unique and theoretical that's beyond your own understanding as a premie. 

I may disclose my critical observations to a friend to aid either him or our relationship, but I wouldn't join a lynch mob who is out to get him... if he is a friend that is. Like I said, Knowledge has been a good thing in my life, and I value his input.

Don't you think it rather weird that there are all these people who will bend over backwards to praise the hell out of your "friend" but who, for some strange reason, can never, ever criticize him?  Really, Jonx, what did you think being a cult member looked like? 

Honestly, Jonx, it looks like this:

Always on my mind

every day i think of maharaji every day i try too remember his message of hope and peace in my life i dont always succeed but by his grace and my remembrence i can get back too that beautifull place of peace and's a love thing between me and my master no wonder he's always on my mind.

from ELK

And this:

Maharaji at the New York Metro Event

At the new York Metro Event in NJ, Maharaji came back out on the stage while we clapped, and cheered, and jumped for joy. It was an encore of love in Newark, at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center. He was radiant, and we were blissed out. I felt like everything was perfect. When he came back, and waved to us again, and beemed at us while we cheered for him -- happiness and joy emanated from me and all around me.

from ELK

These aren't the comments of "friends", Jonx.  Friends don't talk about each other this way.  No, this is how cult members talk about their leader.  But, again, maybe I'm wrong.  You criticize me by saying I must be shallow, I'm so apparently sure of myself.  Setting aside the obvious question about how in the world you're any less certain of your self, let me ask instead, how would you expect cult members to speak of their leader if not like this?  Come on, Jonx, help me out here. 

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