Paul Schnabel about Guru Maharaj Ji
Posted by:
Andries ®

12/29/2004, 13:10:44
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Dr. Schnabel's 372-page dissertation about NRMs, published in 1982, does not have an index so it is very difficult to find information about Guru Maharaj Ji and the DLM. I will post more.
From the chapter "IV Sect or cult? Stigma or Charisma?"
"Section 2 The NRMs and their charismatic leaders"
"The purest forms of charismatic leaders are currently Bhagwan and Maharaj Ji. This shows that personal qualities alone are insufficient for the recognition of charismatic leadership. The intelligent, ever-changing, and daily appearing Bhagwan is no less a charismatic leader than the materialistic, spoilt, and intellectually unremarkable Guru Maharaj Ji. It should be noted that they both have their own public and function. "


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