Sure it is....
Re: Not quite fair -- Will Top of thread Forum
Posted by:

12/22/2004, 10:12:55
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I had to bite a bullet! 

Mine was for requiring a higher burden of proof for a "god"  than I do of evolutionary theory.  Why do I require it?  Because there is tons more proof of evolutionary theory and NO proof/evidence, whatsoever, that this being called "god" exists at all.  None, zero, nada. 

Additionally, evolutionary "claims" are not really all that extraordinary, while those of an all-powerful, all-knowing, everywhere-present consciousness that some call "god" is extraordinary beyond all imagination.  Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence/proof.  Look up the meaning of the word "extraordinary" and you will see what I mean.  Evolution, on the other hand, is quite ordinary. It's physically evident and that evidence abounds everywhere life has ever existed on this planet.

So.... I bit a bullet!

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