I don't happen to agree with their conclusion
Re: I just had to check again -- dant Top of thread Forum
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12/22/2004, 13:31:03
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That evolutionary theory isn't "certain" is an incorrect conclusion.  It depends on which "part" as to whether it is certain or not.  Some portions of the theory are still in the theory stage, but most of it is no longer theory, it is evolutionary "fact." But the theory (as we still call it), as a whole, has so much overwhelming evidence that it would be a bonafide miracle if the theory, itself, were overturned.  Get my point?

It IS irrevocable...... Gould's comment at the end of that quote is the operative one, imho.  Yeah, sure....... we could wait to see if aliens planted human "seeds" on the planet and they sprouted...... but, exactly how much proof or evidence of that do we possess?  NONE?  That's about how much time should be given to the thought, then.

Hey..... like the test said..... I'm not "popular."  I guess that depends on who one's friends and colleagues are!   Mine all tend to agree with the irrevocability and evolutionary-fact concept, so it's the term "popular" that becomes relative.  Not to mention that evolutionary "theory" is not extraordinary as a claim and, thus, doesn't even require the overwhelming load of actual fact that backs it up to believe that the theory is correct....... An all-knowing, all-powerful, everywhere-present entity IS an extraordinary claim and, by default, requires extraordinary evidence/proof.  Yet there is NONE!  Not even "ordinary" evidence! 

So there! Nya, nya, nya


Modified by NAR at Wed, Dec 22, 2004, 13:47:04

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