Re: unscathed -- dant Top of thread Forum
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12/22/2004, 11:19:45
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That's right and I gladly "bite that bullet."  I'm sick and tired of all this god-belief when there is zero evidence to even suggest that there is a god-like personage or anything else eternal. 

I DO require evidence.... and lots of it. To claim the existence of ANYTHING eternal and conscious is the most extraordinary claim of all, since there is zero actual evidence of same.  There isn't even circumstantial evidence of same (and that is the easiest evidence to procure, no?). 

Ah well....... those of us that are convinced are already convinced...... those of us that aren't, by now, probably never will be.  But we keep on trying to talk sense and logic, while "believers" continue to misquote science, abuse the evidence that contradicts their claim and so on.....  

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