What's that?
Re: Yes, not bad after the Xmas party. -- Tempora Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

12/28/2004, 15:01:14
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Hi Tempora,

What's the "subtle truth" you get from these movies?  That God (or some other natural type of power) really -- I mean like really --  doesn't like Boxing Day? 

What does that "power of love" do for you if you happen to be sleeping when the tidal wave strikes and don't have time to ask for its help?

I think anyone who espouses this kind of belief has the onus of explaining all the misery in the world.  If you're going to claim some basis for thinking some prayers get answered, what about all the rest?  They just weren't good prayers?  God was busy elsewhere?  Low-priority?  What?

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