Re: No, Xmas is great - so SANTA is Lord?
Re: No, Xmas is great -- Tempora Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
cq ®

01/02/2005, 14:25:26
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Tempora, you say:
"The more I learn about my erstwhile Master, I feel nothing but compassion for him. I know he's very screwed up, but I experienced amazing things with him none the less".

then you go on to say:

"We fix this extraordinary power onto individuals, but in reality it exists on its own account. It abounds inside us and is quite endless."

Do you see the contradiction there?

One one hand you recognise that experience is within you and exists "on its own account", yet on the other hand, you credit your so-called master with being the source of that experience.

if you bought a good automobile from a used-car salesman, and it still drives, no doubt you'd still think well of that salesman. But you wouldn't worship that car salesman, nor the manufacturer of that car, nor the car itself.

Believe me, once you free yourself from being blind to the fact that your meditational experiences have more to do with your own psyche than with Rawat, your "erstwhile Master", the easier it'll be for you to go beyond the limitation you place on "knowledge".

What limitation is that, you ask? Simply this - the limitation that Maharaji places on it. And the fact that, if it truly could benefit the human race, how come he'd limited its spread to so few, thus far?

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