Not quite fair
Re: How clear is your thinking about God? (ot) -- hamzen Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Will ®

12/22/2004, 09:42:47
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According to the scorer of the test, I took one direct hit, meaning that I was logically inconsistent with myself in one instance.  However, I disagree with the scorer of the test.  I felt that I remained consistent with myself.  I felt it was correct to discount the Lock Ness Monster due to lack of evidence but that is was still valid to believe in God despite the lack of concrete evidence.  The reason is this:  I was watching PBS last night, their show on string theory as being the theory of everything.  The strings are so small and they possibly exist in another dimension that is beyond our minds.  Therefore, from what we do know, we have to accept that there may be a God that we do not know.   This is a whole different category from some monster in a lake.  I personally don't believe in God in any of the ways that he has been described by religion.  But it can be logical to believe in God as the necessary force that arranges light energy into the various patterns we see in the natural universe.  Therefore, the phrase "believe in God" or the phrase "faith in God" is too vague for the purposes of this test and what it purports to discuss.

I also feel the test was a little unfair because the question about belief in God seemed to be stated in a general sense and was not directed to myself only.  If it had been directed to myself only, my answer may have been different.

 It would be interesting to see how different people do on this test.  It would be interesting to see how Rawat would do on this test.  It is my impression that Rawat does remain consistent with himself.   He is psychologically ill, a deeply aberrant human being, but he is consistent.

So, all in all, I give myself an A+ even though the scorers of the test did not.  Really, the more I think about it, the worse I feel.  They can take their 2nd place award and put it in some very uncomfortable spot.  I hardly ever argue with myself except for those times when it is absolutely necessary.  Sometimes I put myself to bed without any dinner, but only when I'm drunk.  I think it is rude, immoral even, for those test scorers to make me unhappy they way they have done, shamelessly acting like they are superior to me when everybody knows that God made us all equal.

Modified by Will at Wed, Dec 22, 2004, 10:20:33

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