Thanks Cynthia....
Re: Re: I'm irredeemably reckless ! -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

12/23/2004, 15:24:01
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For picking up on my first- Christmas- without- a- "Lord" blues. I'm not especially pining for the " Lord"'s just the whole Xmas thing is so different when you don't fantasize that it's somehow about a previous "Perfect Master".

Just visited my jewish mum , now in rehab. and doing well after her heart op. She wanted to watch her favourite soap on the T.V. in the communal room there ( "Eastenders" for my born- in- Hackney mum) ,and just at that moment ( that she looks forward to ) a whole bunch of Carol Singers came crashing in and did their thing ( Hark the Herald etc ) without so much as a "by your leave ". Past years I love Carol Singers, sometimes I ( blissfully) am one, really get into it all. But tonight , that lot seriously pissed me off and I almost embarrassed myself by "making  a fuss " ( but managed ,with laudable restraint, to zip my mouth).Who the hell do they think they are anyway?. Christmas. Bah! Humbug!

Modified by Lexy at Thu, Dec 23, 2004, 15:43:21

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