No, Xmas is great
Re: Thanks Cynthia.... -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Tempora ®

12/23/2004, 17:17:20
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Christmas is all about the power of love which we all feel inside us.

Even though sometimes the icons we connect this onto fail, love itself doesn't fail. It is true forever and our human birthright.
We love each other, and don't particularly need to be reminded of this. It's just natural and without any question.

The more I live, the more I see that human beings are fallible. Maybe Jesus was different and totally always perfect, but I don't know.

The more I learn about my erstwhile Master, I feel nothing but compassion for him. I know he's very screwed up, but I experienced amazing things with him none the less.

In any case, the power of love I felt then and before is still true and exists inside us all naturally.

We fix this extraordinary power onto individuals, but in reality it exists on its own account. It abounds inside us and is quite endless.

When we are at our lowest ebb, and ask for help, I believe that love comes to aid us.

Even when all on the outside might fail us, the love inside never fails us, and is our enduring friend.

At this point, I can't think of some cunning way to finish this post, apart from to say that when I have felt more than once at my utter wit's end, something has always been there to help me and has felt not just extremely beautiful, but has loved me totally beyond all my pathetic capabilities of the time.

And so, though it might be some dumb non-sequitur, I still enjoy Xmas, because, despite much of the cloying associated crap, I still very often feel that power around this time of year, reminding me of our natural brotherhood and sisterhood, and that no matter how despondent and alone we may feel, that power is always there to help and uplift us, and restore us, maybe over time, to our full human nature.


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