Re: Chewing gum in his little daughter's hair
Re: Chewing gum in his little daughter's hair -- lakeshore Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

09/28/2023, 17:14:58
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thank you for saying that - it was a rotten thing to do, and to his own daughter.  It would have been back in the hey day of the cult - when it was a lot easier to be a true believer than it became further down the road.  At that point the only thing I'd seen that ran counter to the belief that Rawat was the Perfect Master (oh right that came a bit later didn't it, strike that, Living Incarnation of God) was a photo of him standing on the airplane steps in a naff outfit of fur collared overcoat with homburg, what was he thinking?

Well he was a teenager wasn't he, it was puzzling, but is a fashion mishap such a sin, no of course not.  Putting chewing gum in his daughter's hair?  Now I'm distressed, I know that's wrong.

It's such a betrayal.  Rawat sold himself as needing to take the primary place in our hearts - as if he were your lover.  I think part of what makes it so hard for premies to leave is the extreme distress that comes up at even the thought that maybe Rawat is a fake.  

When it comes to relationships, it seems the case that subconsciously we are often protecting ourselves from the pain of betrayal by not seeing it, all the way until it gets to the point that the underlying pain from being betrayed is worse than facing up to it.

omg just back from opening up the chicken coop - I was expecting to find Halfbeak's dead body in it as I had carried her there yesterday evening and she was clearly in a lot of pain.  But there were all four of them bouncing about as happy as Larry and from what was inside the coop it looks like they have all piled on top of Halfbeak and squished out a shell-less egg.  It must have got stuck somewhere.  It is so nice to see how all four of them forage together now, it's very friendly, well the odd squabble over something tasty but sorts out quickly.  We were all standing over Halfbeak yesterday, me the cat and three chickens clustered around and feeling concerned, I think it helped cheer her up.

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