The Madness of Mike Finch
Posted by:
Lexy ®

10/25/2004, 09:44:19
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Aaaargh! It's that dastardly Mike Finch cutting my arm off before I received knowledge. He was such a sweet guy too... Mike read a book called " Zen Flesh , Zen Bones " ( true !) to us in the Knowledge session and I've just had yet another " epiphany" and realised why ! 

( I posted  cq's pic and my spiel way down the threads in the woods and couldn't resist bringing it it up to the top )

Just in case any adventurous aspirants or newbies are browsing, are there any more pre or post revisionism " Knowledge session " stories out there?

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Modified by Lexy at Mon, Oct 25, 2004, 06:01:23

Modified by Lexy at Mon, Oct 25, 2004, 10:01:50

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