Longest and shortest Knowledge session
Re: Endurance tests and knollige... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

10/26/2004, 09:32:34
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Hi Cynthia

I think I was privileged (if that is the word, which it isn't) to have sat in on both the shortest and the longest Knowledge session, both given by the same mahatma - Ashokanand.

The shortest that I am aware of was when Ashok gave Knowedge in a taxi to someone who had to leave England in a hurry - the taxi was on the way to Heathrow - the session took about 20 minutes I think.

The longest was a mammoth 17 hours without a break - yes, 17 hours. Several times he just went into some kind of trance, or fell asleep, I don't know which, for hours at a time. Fotunately, as a kind of helper, I was able to go out the room for breaks of my own. But even so, it was gruelling - I can't think of the right word or phrase to describe the arrogance and lack of concern - in Maharaji's cult is about the best I can come up with.

-- Mike

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