Oy seconded, but about Marolyn (Johnson) Rawat
Re: Oy, pass the barf-bag, please! -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

10/22/2004, 11:56:51
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Right you are that Marolyn (Johnson) Rawat A (aka "Durga Ji," "Durga Mata," "Mom," etc.), has a lot to answer for in how she hyped that her husband was God incarnate, that a devotee of Rawat was nothing more than pond scum, and that kissing his feet, and submitting your whole like to him was the only legitimate purpose of being alive from whatever date Rawat's "lotus feet," touched the earth.

But I think we have to at least mention that Marolyn was likely extremely mentally and emotionally disturbed when she said all that stuff.  It might not have been that she was in coniving cahoots with Rawat to deceive people.

I think Marolyn was heavily emotionally and psychologically abused by Rawat (as Bob Mishler describes, Rawat subjected her to incredible emotional abuse based on guilt), and at the same time virtually worshiped by Rawat's devotees.  This would screw up anybody.  She was also subjected to living with her children in the bizarro world of Rawat's megalomania, and so wasn't really completely responsible for her actions and statements.

See, when I recall what Marolyn said at festivals about Rawat, it seemed like she was coming from a place of fear for her personal survival as a human being.  It's sort of like the Stockholm Syndrome.  She was so abused by Rawat that she sided with him and agreed to his claims of divinity as a sort of plea for her own preservation.  It's really, really sad, disgusting, and frightening that somebody could end up in that state.

But like Jim says, now Rawat and his organization completely discredit premies who said things like Marolyn did, despite the fact that Rawat was sitting right there when she said them, and lifted not one chubby finger to disagree with any of it, and in fact said the same stuff to devotees, just in a more obnoxious way.  So, not only was she abused then, she's being abused again.

I feel sorry for Marolyn.  I think she is one of the most victimized people in the entire Rawat cult.


Modified by Joe at Fri, Oct 22, 2004, 12:01:33

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