But John ....
Re: Re: Happiness and Ex-premies -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
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10/03/2005, 01:14:37
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Where does all the anger come from then?

Why do exes spend so much time trying to hurt another human being.

Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in jail and when he came out he forgave his captors and went on to inspire millions with his humility and compassion.

Exes chose to associate with Maharaji of their own free will and when they decided they had had enough they chose to leave of their own free will.

No one stopped them, they were and always had been free to come and go as they please.

And yet many years later they spend hours every week trying to blame Maharaji for what they did themselves.

The only explanation can be that these people need a scapegoat.

Someone to blame for whatever unhappiness they are experiencing.

If they didn't have Maharaji to blame, they'd be blaming the rich, the poor, blacks or Asians, the government, big business or anyone other than themselves.

Let's face it, EPO, Forum 8 and Prem Rawat Info are driven by hate of Maharaji.

Where's the joy?

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