Warn others?
Re: "Where's the joy" -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
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10/03/2005, 03:17:16
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Warn others about what?

The ashrams? That was twenty years ago?

Jagdeo, he's long gone.

Maharaji getting stoned and drunk with Dettmers and Donner in the 70's?

The car accident in India? Arti.

These days people people see Maharaji on cable, satellite or DVD and if they're interested, they ask for the Keys.

Most introductions to Maharaji are between people who don't even have Knowledge.

If they proceed through the Keys, they can ask for Knowledge.

They are then taught the techniques via a DVD and they either practice it or not.

And then they continue to watch Maharaji.

Most of them will never meet a premie unless they choose to go to event and see Maharaji and most of them will not do that.

It's all over. Indian stories, ashrams, honchos, Holy Family, Krishna outfits. It's all gone.                                                                             It's like going to Vietnam. The war is over, it's safe to go there.        There is nothing to warn people about, because nothing is happening

It's that simple.


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