Re: LA Ex wearing dismal coloured glasses
Re: Why do old time premies remain premies? -- Friend of LA EX Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Paddy ®

12/08/2004, 02:15:50
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LA EX's post is full of intelligence and depth but I think it's way off base. Many premies have been premies for over 30 years. The exciting time in DLM ended nearly 25 years ago, yes it's been relatively boring for that long. After 30 years it would probably take a tidal wave to wash out the rest of the premies. For over 25 years they've been looking at the world through Prem Rawat coloured glasses which only makes the world look a tiny bit different but adds one important dimension, Rawat as Lord.

But it doesn't add much of a burden to their lives, billions of people are religious, most of them probably believe many tenets of their religion that are bullshit but it's no big deal. Similarly, you may believe in Rawatism but you go to work everyday, love your family, have hobbies, watch videos, go to occasional events, where's the problem? Why would you leave?

It would take a major life event to throw you out of your comfortable routine and then maybe Rawatism would go up in smoke.

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