Re: How come I always seem to disagree with you, Paddy ?
Re: How come I always seem to disagree with you, Paddy ? -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Paddy ®

12/08/2004, 14:45:30
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Hello Lexy, I can't remember us 'always' disagreeing, I thought we'd only ever had one exchange on ex-premie forum.

I've had a look back and we both agreed that the Jiva record should be in an ex-premie's arms. I thought our 'disagreements' about EV and it's cult status differed much less than you thought it did. Do you 'always' see life in such black and white ways.

You say you were confused and unhappy before K and you've had a "tattered life" since 1973. Well mine has been nice and so has the lives of most of the lovely premies I'v known. Maybe I could have known them better but it seemed good enough at the time. I've shared lots of laughter with premies since before and after leaving. You can't judge everybody else's experience as being identical to your own.

I don't know who "Sir Dave" or "Nah" are.

I wish you all the best now that you've exited.

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