Re: If you don't like Trump.....
Re: If you don't like Trump..... -- PatD Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
aunt bea ®

05/12/2020, 13:06:50
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I understand about Biden and I think he is a poor choice for many reasons. But I also basically agree with Drek, that anything is better than Trump. While he distracts with his dog and pony show, his administration is dismantling so many really important institutions and progress that has been made.

Maybe you don't agree with that part, but you know whatever. I mean he is literally reversing directives protecting the environment and people that have been in place since the 70s. The Environmental Protection Agency was ironically created by Nixon. As a result there has been so much progress battling air and water pollution. You can actually swim in rivers again that used to be toxic sewers.

This is step by step now being turned around. And the same applies to health, food and financial regulations. Maybe you think it is fine to let the foxes run the henhouse but I don't. I am not saying you think that, but you often have contrary opinions, so I never know what you are going to say.

With the pandemic things have just gotten multiples of ten worse. Trump is totally mismanaging this and the consequence will be both way more deaths that necessary and still a ruined economy.

So even if Biden starts going senile, there will be structures in place to keep things on a much more even keel than we could possibly hope for with Trump. The VP nominee is critical.

In general I don't why with 300 million people we have to choose between a bunch of men in their late 70s though.

But also about the Biden senile trope. You have to realise that he has always said weird things and tripped over his tongue. I am not all that convinced that this is more now than in the past.

Also I personally think the rape issue is legitimate. So now we also have to choose between two too old rapists. Pathetic really.

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