my answer
Re: Re: Let me see if I understand you -one question at end -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Susan ®

11/01/2004, 17:53:27
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Was Jesus God- yes

Is God omniscient-yes

Was Jesus omnicient-yes

But that is just what I think is probably true I am no theologian

My question for you. If Rawat could do something that would cause you to lose faith in him, why isn't this enough.

He let Joe believe he was God. He knew Joe gave over his entire inheritance, education at an Ivy League school, took every worldly thing the man owned. Now he doesn't think he is God anymore. Doesn't he owe Joe an explanation? An apology? Do you really think it is okay to let people believe you are God if you are not? If you discover you are not God do you owe those who gave everything to you an explanation?


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