Re: Do you think that Moonies think they are cult members?
Re: Gok- -- Susan Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

11/01/2004, 22:37:33
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In case you might think I am not answering your question, not giving you a straight answer - I think that Moonies probably do not think they are cult members. So what does that prove? That anyone who denies that he or she is a cult member, is probably a cult member? Is that your "logic"?

I could ask you to define "cult", but I couldn't be bothered with all the replies I might get to that question. Life's too short! If you want to state your definition of "cult", I'll read it (but I won't necessarily read anyone else's reply to that question). And if you couldn't be bothered, I'll understand.

In one sense "cult" is a derogatory word. In another sense it is more loosely applied, in a non-derogatory way. Were Jesus and his Apostles, and his other followers, a cult? Does the answer to that question matter?

I'm not a member of a cult. I'm a member of the Green Party. I'm a member of Bowienet. I'm not a "member" of anything to do with Maharaji. I'm just an individual who appreciates Maharaji and self-Knowledge, and there happens to be many other people who feel the same way. It doesn't make it a "cult". I don't really know what you mean by "cult".

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