I just wanted you to think about it. That any cult member would respond as you have. Now of course, you COULD be in the one true cult. You could be. I could be all wrong about M theoretically. But I am sure I am not. I believe God, and Lord, and if there were such a thing as Satguru, would be -GOOD- someone who does GOOD- IS GOOD. That is the essential hook in any cult. I mean, what if it is all true?
.To tell you the truth, I am far more sure that M is not anything that God would label as good than I am about my Christian beliefs.
You want to compare my beliefs to yours, totally fair. I will be very honest with you. I do not have an overriding faith where I KNOW Christ is real. I am so totally afraid of being tricked, since I was with Rawat, I would be suprised if I ever did. When I use the word belief, I mean I think it might be true. I'm not a good Christian to argue with as I cannot really tell you why I believe it.
I am not sure that some one who says, I think it might be true, so I am going to call myself a Christian, really even deserves to be a Christian! I think I should withdraw from trying to help you out of the cult. Yes, you are in a cult Gok. Of that I am sure. When you focus on what I believe you arent thinking about yourself and that is what is important. My beliefs are not going to hold up to any scrutiny. I believe that something that happened 2000 years ago might have been a miracle with implications for us today. But I am a terribly weak believer. I think maybe it happened? but Prem Rawat, he is a fake. If he is what God, or Lord is, or Satguru is, well, I want nothing to do with it. I think for most people, when they use the words God, Lord, Satguru, they think of something benevolent. Prem Rawat is at the very least a confused messed up human being. He is not the Lord, God or Satguru.
I need to step out of this fray. You are focusing on me too much. That isn't in your best interest. Please anser JHB's question at the top. That is what I would ask you anyway.
Good luck!