Re: Do you think that Moonies think they are cult members?
Re: Re: Do you think that Moonies think they are cult members? -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
toby ®

11/01/2004, 23:41:36
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one sign of cults are the development or preference of certain terms within a language, like "blissed out", "completly in his mind", and so on. this is just one feature, especially if these terms get produced and be ordered from top to the bottom.
example: service/devotion now for obvius reasons got exchanged by participation/gratitude. the cultmember will accept this and have no greater resistance.and you will hear these words as often as you have heared the other ones before,from the same people.


Modified by toby at Mon, Nov 01, 2004, 23:53:21

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