Re: Gok ~ More juicy gossip for ya ~ Please read this...
Re: Gok ~ More truth for ya ~ Please re-read this... -- Hilltop Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

11/03/2004, 04:49:39
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More juicy gossip from me, for Gok ,in relation to Will's post ( from an anonymous former PAM ): 

"The sexual frustration of the instructors is not something (thank God) I've experienced firsthand - but it is a kind of epidemic. Numerous premie women I know are molested, propositioned, pursued and worse by instructors, in many countries"

One of my " big drip" doubts happened about 13 years ago in Paris ( where I lived). I was befriended by an aspirant ( young pretty affluent frenchwoman-style  who took to phoning me up for advice.This woman ,who had recently got married, was seeking counsel ..not about Maharaji ( as he was then ) and not about the  nollidge....but about the attention she was receiving (of a non-spiritual kind  from a certain illustrious PAM ,famed for his fund-raising prowess,who was visiting the city and with whom she had fallen in love ! ( Honestly !..whatever next...I thought ...)

It seemed to me that he was gleefully leading her up the garden path and totally exploiting her vulnerability in exactly the way the anonymous PAM describes in Will's post. What a smooth creep... is what I thought at the time!...I didn't know what to say to the I left the issue in Maharaji's omniscient hands !!!

( there is a gremlin which keeps putting the winking moticon instead of " close brackets" in my posts ?? )


Modified by Lexy at Wed, Nov 03, 2004, 12:41:18

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