Re: Hey Max; perhaps this post might reflect something relevant ....
Re: Hey Max;perhaps this post might reflect something relevant .... -- la-ex Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
DD ®

09/19/2004, 08:38:27
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Hi la-ex, 

According to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, the six stages people go through as they approach death or loss (either physical or psychological) are:

1.      Resistance

2.      Denial

3.      Bargaining

4.      Anger

5.      Despair and

6.      Acceptance or the Opening Space

We have to be willing to go through the despair, which is difficult in a culture that constantly exhorts us to “don’t worry – be happy.” 

"Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:4

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