I’m not too sure what you mean by “what am I implying?”
What I said was, according to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, the six stages people go through as they approach death or loss (either physical or psychological) are: resistance, denial, bargaining, anger, despair, and acceptance or the opening space. That ‘s all I meant to imply.
I did in no way mean to imply that losing a job, or experiencing the break-up of a relationship, or the death of a friend or a pet, is the same as having to face one’s own death.
As you say, the "Acceptance or the Opening Space" is an acceptance of what has happened, not the cult leader and his/her deception.
By acceptance, I meant to accept what has happened, to accept your psychological state as you go through the six stages and find serenity and happiness again. I did not mean to accept not the guru! By acceptance, I in no way meant going back to being a premie. We must move through the six stages so we can be complete about it – so we can get over it – so we can heal from it.
In other words, according to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, we must go through the resistance, denial, bargaining, anger, and despair to regain our power, to heal, to get over it, to take our power back, so we can get on with our life. This is true for any trauma, or loss, or painful, fearful or upsetting experience. You gotta go through the six stages to get over it.
I was stuck in the anger stage for quite a long time and resisted going into despair. Why? Well, as I said, going through the despair stage is particularly difficult in a culture that constantly exhorts us to “don’t worry – be happy.”
Unfortunately though, the way out is the way through. If we want to get over Maharaji and truly ex, we must be willing to go through all the stages, including despair.
Hope you get me this time.