Hey Max;perhaps this post might reflect something relevant ....
Re: Hi again -- max Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
la-ex ®

09/18/2004, 12:06:05
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Max-one of the best forum posts I remember reading is in the "Best of Forum" section....it's called something like "leaving is hard, but freeing", and it is a response from an ex-premie named "suchabanana" to someone related to a premie, or a premie.....I think its under "best forum post" or something like that, and I thought of you and your situation when I read it recently....

I think for all of us who have exed after long term involvements with rawat, the process has gone something like this, in general terms...
1-a "final drip", which caused you to exit, although you also realize that there was steady flow of drips for years, somewhat suppressed, that also begin to surface....
2-disbelief that you could have been duped or strung along for so long (no one in any group wants to admit that they were taken...)
3-deisre to publicly disavow connection to rawat or to speak out about his BS (although this depends on ones circumstances)
4-Anger stage, which passes...
5-A new beginning, in which your "old self" re-emerges, and the premie persona is shed....I found old problems and issues emerged which I had conveniently denied or swept under the rug as a premie...once I looked at them and dealt with them, I found great satisfaction in just living a "normal" life and not having to do the premie thing anymore....work, relationships, family and everything in general became more real and fulfilling...I realized that I gave way way too much unexamined power to prem rawat and how deeply it had hurt and limited my life...also, how wonderful life can be without the drag of a "perfect master" around me....

Best wishes,

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