Prem's most Powerful Protection
Posted by:
Emile ®

09/13/2004, 00:39:51
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It's difficult to discuss this topic which goes deep, deep within and apparently was not even touched by 30 years of meditation but I believe I know why Rawat goes on without public disgrace.

Many ex-premies are mature enough to acknowledge they were once cult members and some of them are not even embarrassed to admit that the guru who they worshipped was the funny little Indian fat kid with the squeaky voice but who of them is brave enough to publicly profess that they once believed they would see God face to face, see the Divine Light by squeezing their eyes.

I can still hear the drunken loudmouth at the office Christmas party in my worst nightmares, "Seeing God by squeezing your what where?" "Now I can understand you squeezed your eyes and stuck your thumbs in your ears but you did what with your tongue"? "Did you stick your fingers up your ass as well?"

God be my witness but I was followed by snickers down the corridors for months aftwerwards and finally had to get another job becuase of the humiliation. I'd like to be brave and confident and proudly proclaim that Prem speaks nonsense without using a pseudonym but the fear that the people will ask the dreaded question "And what exactly did this guru teach?" keeps me silent and fearful.

Modified by Emile at Mon, Sep 13, 2004, 00:40:45

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