You reminded me of when I was in Santa Monica
Re: Joe, even raja dosn't mention thelord to his friends.... -- la-ex Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jethro ®

09/14/2004, 07:28:37
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in the 80s.
I met quite a few of their Malibu neighbours one night at a party. They kept on asking me about all sorts of things relating to rowatt's property.They new nothing about 'k'. I spent 14 hours giving them satsang .
Being a devoted premie at that time , I just knew that the lord rowatt put me there for that reason.
Yes, I told them who the divine brothers really were!!!!
When I returned to the UK, I was admonished by 'res' premies for giving satsang to His neighbours just as I was admonished by 'res' premies for complaining to the Israeli embassy for not letting rowatt in the country. I was told 'not to interfer with his private life'.


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