Re: Excellent Point Emile
Re: Excellent Point Emile -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Thorin ®

09/13/2004, 15:07:51
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Hi Joe

Your post made me laugh as well as cringe with embarrasement of times past.

I remember once I went over to Fla, you know, one of the Lord's programs in Orlando.  Anyway I was working at this place and I took a week off, proper holiday and all that and announced to all, "I'm off to Florida to see the sights!".  Well anyway, you can guess the rest.  When I got back many people wanted to know what I thought of this and that, Disney stuff and all.  Well of course I never went to any of the sights, I went to see the Lord, but heck, I was too coy to admit that so had to um, sort of pretend.  I had some funny looks I tell ya.

More recently, like last week, there is this guy at my work who was going to your town this week and I thought of telling him to look you up.  But yet again I chickened out as he will have wanted to know how I know you and even now I'm not ready to let folks around me at work know that I was a cult member. Hey, after all, I have a reputation to protect!

Anyway, great thread, I wonder if we did a poll of current premies what percentage have actually disclosed to their work folk that they follow a motivational speaker, previously known as the Lord of the Universe? 

Meantime, you well?




Modified by Thorin at Mon, Sep 13, 2004, 15:09:31

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