Nemesis, can you talk about how you were attacked?
Re: Re: "Difficult to talk about..." -- nemesis Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

09/13/2004, 14:39:46
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I'd be interested in seeing if there are similarities.  Although I don't know for sure, I think I was attacked through my employer because I had been quoted in a newspaper article that was damaging to Prem Rawat, and the article came out the day before he was speaking in the area.  The attack happened about 5 months later.  Although everything I said in what they quoted was absolutely true, and even though in letters to the editor EV did not say anything I said wasn't true, they appear to have gotted pissed off anyway.

But, in the end, I'm not sure what they were trying to do.  All the letter did was make Rawat look like a nutty cult leader, with fanatical devotees to a bunch of people who had either never heard of him, or didn't know that he is the same person as the "Lord of the Universe" they recall from the 70s.

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