To Andries: Re Rebuttal and thanks to POV
Posted by:
Emile ®

09/13/2004, 00:24:17
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No rebuttal is required Andries. Geaves commits academic fraud by not admitting his position at the Lotus Feet as a 30 year devotee whether or not what he is saying is true, false or a personal point of view. Anyway I'll have a look and try for a rebuttal anyway.

When I created the web-site I wasn't sure if it was a total waste of a few hours or worth doing. Thanks POV for your vitriolic atack - How Low Can You Go -
I felt much better knowing it had been worth doing. Please help me some more. What can I do to go even lower?

Modified by Emile at Mon, Sep 13, 2004, 00:26:24

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