The Foxes Who Guard the Henhouse Eat Best
Posted by:
Sanford ®

09/13/2004, 10:46:34
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With all this talk about Wikipedia and other related travesties of cultural depositories, something occurred to me.

What has this got to do with the Forum topic? Everything, because we are spending time fighting windmills when we could be more effective by not letting them bait us into their word traps and mind games.

The people who buy into a corrupt system and lick its ass up to its Adam's Apple get rewarded with a position of power within that system. And that power can extend to being able to define what is real, what is sane, what is fair, what is legal, what is organic, what is anything. These folks have been granted the power to define the reality we all have to live within. Pretty scary stuff if you don't know there is something much bigger and stronger than that, just biding its time for now...

Look at the x-rated premies. They were the ones who gave up (or were tricked out of) who they were and became Prem's possee who would do anything for him and who truly believed they are above the law and working directly for God Almighty. They also got the perks and got away with alot of shit that hurt less positioned premies who just happened to be in their way.

Who has more power in the world of cult-ure to declare an ex- cult member or members worthy of giving accurate testimony or not? Who are these people, who have the power to brand them en masse as malcontents and haters, and due to these mindfuckmasters social standing and track record on the track of Hell and the social order of this world as it is, who can stop them? They are not the problem, just another pimple in the massive rash of human acne on the ass of human progress. The root cause is the same as it ever was: the love of money and the material plane over the love of truth and spirit is the root of all evil. I am constantly amazed at how smart those folks can be on one level and how stupid they can be on another more important one.

Think about it...who has more control in the judicial system than the people who determine what 'sanity' is and what 'insanity' is? And who are those people? They are the ones - the doctors and the medical and psychological specialists (who probably have leather and whips and yes capes in their own closets) who have been digested through the educational canals of the beast and have come out the other end with pieces of parchments and a head the size of Cleveland, at least most of them....and power to declare someone is sane or insane. That is pretty insane, I would say, wouldn't you?

Who has more control in the world of sales than the smart salesperson who has convinced his prospect to let him write the specs for the proposed purchase, thus almost guaranteeing him of closing?

Have you heard? The U.S. Department of Agriculture is trying to redefine what 'organic' means when referring to food. They are trying to allow things like sludge and other impurities to be allowed in and still be able to call the product organic. Insane? Yes. Is it happening right now? Yes.

Or Monsanto, who is growing and developing plants that produce food but no seed, so you will have to go back to them to buy seed for next year. Crazy to you and me? Yes. Looked at as great achievement by the mad scientists? You betcha.

I say we take on tasks that are do-able and stop trying to turn back the Kali Yuga. It's happening with us or without us. The way I see it, we who see through it are on the reconstruction crew and need to prepare for it by freeing ourselves from negative chains of confusion that distract us from the imminent fact that our life is ticking by and our words and actions need to mean something and have an effect that lasts and does some good, besides just tsking at all the terrible things in the world and how unfair Wikizphrenia is being towards ex-cult members. That is their bread and butter and they love to eat it, dipped in the blood of the righteous.


Modified by Sanford at Mon, Sep 13, 2004, 10:50:20

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