Re: Prem's most Powerful Protection
Re: Prem's most Powerful Protection -- Emile Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

09/13/2004, 17:44:56
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Too right Emile. Yes, it is reasonably easy to fess up to falling into the messiah trap. It was really quite reasonable of us in my opinion to believe ol’ prempal was the messiah, we were brought up in a society that largely agreed we were expecting one. But how oh how did I buy that sticking my fingers in inappropriate places would show me god?

Once I was questioning the whole deal it was pretty easy to dismiss the DLM explanation, that you are turning your senses inward to see what is inside, all it took was a little show on the telly about octopuses who have a particularly good eye to recognise how ridiculous it was to think that your eye could see inwards, it is like a camera and it is set looking the other direction.

I think one has to remember that we were also being told that the techniques were nothing without the grace.

It’s like slipping on a banana skin, everybody laughs. Yet I would bet that your drunken loudmouth is slipping on a few banana skins himself, it takes acknowledging that you were fooled by superstitious thinking to stop being so fooled.

Just don’t tell anybody about the foot kissing okay? and pretty please don't mention the you are my mother you are my father hymn singing, eek!

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