While his message has been much the same over the years and quite identical in it's subtext (for those with ears to hear) the techniques are not the same that were being taught even 20 years ago.It is not just the names that have changed but the pressure on the eyeballs in the Light technique (1st technique for those who came in late) was much firmer in the 70's (though I doubt many premies in those days had the tolerance to pain and foolhardiness to use the pressure applied by the mahatmas), the mantra 'soham' (sohung) is no longer used in the breath concentration technique, the tongue is no longer required to be turned back so far (remember you had to get it back and up the nasal passage) and as far as I know only the sound technique is pretty well the same.
Hey Reporter remember the "Golden Doughnut"? Did anybody ask at the time of Rejoice how the techniques could be changed after all those millenia? Was it Shri Hans who got them wrong? Either Prem Rawat has them wrong now or Shri Hans had them wrong then and I'm prepared to think that of the two it had to be Shri Hans who had it right.
The same techniques indeed. What a liar. Have you no shame?