Paddy and JHB are both wrong
Re: Reporter, Paddy is correct -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
reporter ®

10/09/2005, 01:27:18
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The statement I made was that - \"Maharaji has taught the same techniques for nearly 40 years\".
That statement is correct.
\"Rejoice\" was held because Maharaji was concerned that some mahatmas had been innaccurate when teaching the techniques and he wanted to ensure that people who had learnt the techniques from mahatmas were practising the techniques as he taught them.
As you say John some people \"expressed surprise that the techniques as taught by Rawat were different to those taught by the mahatmas\". Exactly.
As for the 24/7 business regarding Holy Name and Nectar, that is a change in how long the techniques should be practiced not a change to the techniques themselves.
You both owe me an apology.

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