Come on John, don't such a idiot! He adjusted the practice of Knowledge to meet a need that he saw. That is the benefit of having a living Master... someone who understands the topic so completely he can make changes as needed while keeping the integrity of the essence intact. If you had been with the program you would have seen the wisdom in the move.Jon, why did it take this 'Living Master' 18 years to find out his staff were teaching the techniques incorrectly and to take action to correct it? Why did he not 'see the need' earlier? What kind of crap teacher is he?
As for some public communique... how absurd. Do you remember the third promise: Stay in touch?
I didn't mention anything about a 'public' announcement. I stayed in touch, and apart from hearing about an event where there would be a K review from Rawat, I heard nothing about the possibility that I had been taught the techniques incorrectly. Tell me where and when such an announcement was made. I am sure there are still premies who are still doing the techniques incorrectly because they have never been told their mahatma taught them wrongly.
Typical of what we've grown to expect from someone who has nothing better to do with his life than sit on the sidelines and conjure up holes to poke in anything Maharaji has ever done. You deserve such a life.
Jon, personal attacks, such as this inane and misinformed attack, are not allowed on this forum. You don't know me, and I spend my life doing many better things than speaking the truth about a failed, discredited, seriously flawed, Indian guru. It's only liars like you that pull me back to a subject that I pray will go away.