I am curious what your thoughts are here ----->When I was a 'premie' I thought that the other 'premies' were examples and reflected what m was teaching (?).
As I have left m & k I find it disturbing to actually see the nature of most 'premies'.
They do not reflect a good life, a pleasant or peaceful experience nor a happy or contented life.
If the 'students' of m are miserable, sad and unfulfilled then what does that say about the master/ teacher?
If as Jonx claims... that it will take the entire life to "practice" before one can actually know whether m or k are in fact valid.... does that sound right????
If so, I am offering (again) written 100% guarantees that when one dies you will go to heaven.... guaranteed, folks..... if you'll send me only $250 (US). If after death, you don't go to heaven.... come on back to me and I will give you a 100% refund! )
Isn't this the same thing?