Re: Yes EV lied and so did you
Re: Yes EV lied and so did you -- dant Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

11/04/2004, 22:34:25
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You can interpret it your way. I can interpret my way.

In regard to sentence (2), I said I "don't think" it is a lie. I live in Ireland, I have never been to India.

In regard to sentence (3), EV is not denying Maharaji is divine in that sentence - not saying he is divine, not saying he is not divine.

In regard to sentence (4), Maharaji is a human being. A Satguru is a human being. I am a human being. Maharaji says Knowledge is a gift from one human being to another. That's the way he wants to present Knowledge now. The experience is still the same as it always was. Whatever else Maharaji is, Maharaji is still a human being. You can argue till the cows come home over different interpretations of words. But I know what Maharaji means when he says that.

In regard to sentence (5) - same as for sentence (2).

As for your last question - "Where do you get the idea that Satguru is the one who brings you from darkness to light?" - I'm sure you know that "Satguru" means someone who can truly bring you from darkness to light (or something similar to that meaning), and that has been my experience. A badly answered question from EV makes not one iota of difference to my experience of Knowledge, over a 30 year period. Maybe they could have given a better answer, but I can see the purpose behind it, the desire to present Maharaji without all the religious baggage of the past.

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