We know what Fatboy's peddling, GOK
Re: Re: "guru does not mean one who brings you from darkness to light" -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
gerry ®

11/05/2004, 14:13:26
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Oh yeah, bringing us from darkness to light. What bullshit!!

You ask 1000 people to evaluate this clown based on the internet alone and 999 would laugh in your face about the "bringer from darkness to light."

Stupid, childish notion that Rawat is cashing in on with the .001% who say, "hey wow man, far out, like, you know, the Satguru of Our Time."

Goofy, stupid, puerile to max, dude.

Modified by gerry at Fri, Nov 05, 2004, 14:17:31

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