Gok wrote:"Truth is not an abstract concept for me in my practice of Knowledge - "truth is the consciousness of bliss" - to me that means the truth is love, love is the true reality, true reality is beautiful - we just have to learn to become aware of that true reality, as much as possible."
You also quoted Keats to support your belief. But Keats isn't any more of an authority than Rawat is.
Sometimes the truth just isn't very beautiful. Jagdeo is a pedophile - that's the truth, but it isn't very beautiful. Just watch Animal Planet and you will see that truth isn't always beautiful.
I think the whole play of words tries to hide the fact that life is not the "ideal world" that premies would like it to be. That is really a juvenile notion. It is time to put away the childish thoughts and ideas and grow up. Sure, life is beautiful - it is also ugly, and that's the truth! *bronx cheer* (now I'm thinking of Lily Tomlin as the little girl)
I'm glad the fantasy is bringing you comfort, but it is no better or worse than the fantasy that comforts proponents of any religion or cult.
When you learn to be an adult, you can handle the responsibility of your own life without feeling that everything has to be explained and that there is some all-embracing "reality" that makes you feel safe. And of course, when you really do accept reponsibilty for yourself, you will find that you really can live without a "Master".