Do you honestly hear what you are saying?
Re: Re: "guru does not mean one who brings you from darkness to light" -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
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11/05/2004, 15:20:31
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I need go no further than your first sentence or two!

Do you think that the word "heavy," in sanskrit means anything other than weight?  C'mon, GOK!  "Heavy guy," indeed!  Cut us some slack!

This is exactly what we are talking about!  Spin, spin, wiggle, maneuver, dodge, drift........ sheesh!  Do you realize the kind of mental gymnastics that you just exhibited and/or participated in?  Do you realize what/who it is that taught you how to do that?  Do you?  Your reason is GONE!  Your logic is GONE!  You might as well not have a brain, if that is how you are going to be using it.  Sheesh!

GOK, analyze this!  It is really simple!  It's even simpler than M claims the practice of K is..... really, this is much simpler!  It just takes some effort and honesty.


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