Re: Another question for GOK
Re: Another question for GOK -- G. Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

11/04/2004, 16:40:53
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I don't understand the sentence "She thinks that once you decide to be married with her he wants you to trust her more than anyone else even if she is not divine and as a human being may be wrong sometimes." (I don't understand the next sentence too well either.)

I wouldn't be planning to get married to a girl who didn't know early on in the relationship about my interest in Maharaji and Knowledge. And I wouldn't be compatible with someone who had no understanding of my interest in Maharaji and Knowledge.

If someone had only mild objections, perhaps something could be worked out, as long as I remained free to practice Knowledge.

(I also don't think I would want to be married to someone who insisted I should give up listening to music, for example. Or to someone who insisted I should only eat junk food.)

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