Re: you are not ready to sacrifice a good meal or music for another person.
Re: Re: Another question for GOK -- G. Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

11/04/2004, 20:14:54
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I did not say that. That's not what I meant. I meant that if I was in a relationship with someone who insisted that I should not eat reasonably healthy wholesome food (which I am used to eating, and which I feel is important for my general well-being) and that I should just eat junk food ALL THE TIME (I'm not talking about just one meal!), to me that would be unreasonable, and anyone who would insist on that for me, would not be someone whom I could commit myself to in a long-term relationship. We would not be compatible. I would not wish to be married to someone who would be so insensitive to my needs. Same goes for music. I would not be compatible with someone who would be so unreasonable as to insist that I should NEVER listen to music. It's clearly a hypothetical question.

As for "what are you ready to sacrifice for Maharaji? Moreover, what WOULD YOU LIKE to be able to sacrifice for Maharaji?" - I really cannot think of a good answer. Maharaji really doesn't ask me to sacrifice very much - just an hour of my time, if possible, each day - which is no sacrifice as it is generally a very pleasant and beneficial experience, and he asks me to sacrifice my negativity.

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